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Three Places on Your Body That Respond Well to Liposuction

Three Places on Your Body That Respond Well to Liposuction

Liposuction offers immediate, contouring results when you have stubborn pockets of fat that refuse to reduce in response to conventional methods of weight loss, like diet and exercise. At The Aesthetic Surgery Center in New York City, plastic and cosmetic surgeon Elliott H. Rose, MD, uses expert liposuction skills to refine your frame.

Liposuction is not a solution for weight loss, but is ideal for patients who are within 15-20% of their ideal weight. Dr. Rose does a thorough evaluation to determine if you’re a good candidate for body contouring and liposuction. He’ll make sure you’re in good health, have good skin elasticity, and go into the procedure with realistic expectations. 

Here are three areas that Dr. Rose says respond well to liposuction so you get a thinner, more sculpted profile. 

1. Upper arms

Women in particular have a tendency to collect excess fat in their upper arms. Changes in your muscle laxity in the upper arm and armpit area can cause the sagging skin and extra fat that makes you self-conscious in sleeveless dresses or tank tops. 

Liposuction reduces the fat in the area to create a thinner appearance. As a result, though, you may end up with loose skin. This can easily be corrected with a complementary arm lift, which gives you a toned-looking upper arm. 

2. Chest and breasts

Men who have overly formed breasts, called gynecomastia, appreciate liposuction to get them a more masculine chest area. Popular male plastic surgery procedures include chest liposuction to remove the excess fat to create more contour in the area. 

Women may also choose liposuction of the chest when they have excess breast tissue. Liposuction can result in smaller breasts without having to undergo a major surgical procedure like a surgical breast reduction or a breast lift. If you do opt for breast reduction surgery, liposuction helps enhance your results. 

3. Thighs

No matter how many squats and leg lifts you do, your thighs may appear large and bulky. Liposuction can help slim down the area so your thighs appear more proportional with your body. You’ll gain the confidence to wear swimsuits and shorts without feeling like you need to cover up. 

Liposuction can’t treat cellulite, but it can help smooth dimpled skin. 

For a complete refinement of your lower body, choose liposuction for the area above your knees and for your buttocks as well as for your thighs. 

Abdomen, too!

These three areas are not the only parts of the body that respond well to liposuction. Dr. Rose uses liposuction as part of a tummy tuck to help you get a slimmer abdomen. This procedure involves tightening up slack muscles, removing excess fat via liposuction, and removing excess skin. You get a flatter midsection that makes you feel confident in fitted clothes.

Is liposuction major surgery?

Liposuction involves very tiny incisions through which a hollow tube, called a cannula, is inserted. These tubes attach to the liposuction device that vacuums away unwanted fat. 

During liposuction, you’re placed under twilight sedation, rather than general anesthesia, and you go home the same day to recover. You’ll need 5-7 days of recovery time before your return to work and usually 4-6 weeks before you can return to all your normal activities, like exercise. 

The results are noticeable immediately and become even more satisfying as swelling subsides over a few weeks.

If you’re ready to learn more about how liposuction can help you get a slim, enviable physique, contact The Aesthetic Surgery Center today. Call our office or use this website to reach out.

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