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How a Breast Lift Can Boost Your Body Confidence After Pregnancy

Most breasts naturally drop lower over time, due to the natural aging process and gravity. When you add pregnancy and breastfeeding to the mix, this process can shift into high gear. Pregnancy often causes breasts to not only sag, but to lose volume and plumpness, leading many women to feel less than pleased with their changed physique. If you can relate, a breast lift can boost not only your breasts, but your sense of body confidence.

To find out if you’re a good candidate for a postpregnancy breast lift, contact us at The Aesthetic Surgery Center in New York City.

Breast lift basics

A breast lift, medically known as a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that trims away excess skin, reshapes breasts into a more youthful look, and elevates the nipple. If you wish for restored volume, you can also have a saline implant inserted to enhance the shape and size.

Once you’ve had a consultation and everything is set, the actual procedure is performed with you under a mild form of anesthesia known as “twilight” sedation. It sedates you, but you won’t be unconscious. Within about six weeks, any soreness or numbness you experience initially will gradually diminish. You’ll want to avoid heavy exercise during this time to allow for full healing.

Breast lift candidates

Numerous factors can make you an ideal candidates for a breast lift procedure, including:

Breast lift results

Studies have shown that breast augmentation can improve women’s self-esteem, body image, and even sexual satisfaction. By feeling more confident about the appearance of your breasts, you might find yourself standing taller and feeling more comfortable in your skivvies.

For the best emotional results moving forward, make sure you talk to your doctor about any psychological issues you’ve experienced. Setting realistic goals and expectations and addressing any deep-rooted body image or self-esteem problems with a qualified professional can help ensure your long-term well-being.

Breast lifts after multiple childbirths

Many people who opt for a breast lift after having multiple children don’t come in with decades’ long self-consciousness around breast shape or size. Rather, they want to restore the aesthetic shape they had previously. For the most natural look, go for a lift that simply reshapes tissue you already have. If you’ve lost breast volume and lifting alone won’t get you to where you’d like, you can choose to have small saline implants inserted as well.

Learn much more by contacting The Aesthetic Surgery Center by phone or through the online scheduling tool. Our team would love to answer your questions and help you reach your aesthetic goals.

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