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Everything You Should Know About Gynecomastia

Enlarged breast tissue is a major source of embarrassment and poor self-esteem in men with gynecomastia. This condition affects hundreds of thousands of men in the United States and results in female-like breasts in men. 

If you’re a man with gynecomastia, know that there’s a simple surgical solution. Experienced plastic surgeon Elliott H. Rose, MD, of the Aesthetic Surgery Center offers male plastic surgery services that can remove abnormal breast tissue in men and contour the chest, so you look more streamlined and manly. 

Here’s what he wants you to know about gynecomastia and our surgical solutions.

Gynecomastia often results from a hormone imbalance

Men who had too little testosterone, a major male hormone, or too much estrogen, a major female hormone, may experience swollen breast tissue, a condition called gynecomastia. The hormone imbalance occurs during puberty or aging, but can also be set off due to certain medications and health conditions.

When teen boys experience gynecomastia, it’s considered a normal part of puberty and usually goes away on its own within a few months. 

If gynecomastia persists or appears later in life, it may require medical intervention for resolution. Men between the ages of 50 and 80 can develop gynecomastia due to natural, but notable, decreases in testosterone. 

Some men do develop swollen breast tissue because of genetics or the use of certain drugs, like steroids. Obesity can also contribute to the condition. 

Gynecomastia has a very real effect on self-esteem

As a man, it can feel almost shameful to have womanly appearing breasts. You may change your behavior as a result, avoiding certain activities or even intimacy with a partner. Even if you’re committed to a healthy diet and active lifestyle that includes weight workouts in the gym, your gynecomastia just won’t go away. 

Liposuction can treat gynecomastia

Treatment for gynecomastia depends on the underlying cause of the condition and the extent of your breast swelling. 

Liposuction is an option to remove unwanted fat in the chest that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise. You should be of a normal weight and be a nonsmoker before undergoing liposuction. Only adults are treated for gynecomastia, as Dr. Rose wants to be sure breast development has stabilized. 

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure with a relatively quick recovery. You’ll have a day or two of discomfort following the procedure, and you can control pain with over-the-counter medications. 

Dr. Rose numbs the treatment area and inserts cannulas -- small tubes -- through tiny, inconspicuous incisions. He then suctions out excess fat to reduce breast size. The result is a slimmer, contoured chest. 

Liposuction is also effective in areas like your abdomen.

Surgery may be required in some cases of gynecomastia

If you have excess glandular tissue along with extra fat, Dr. Rose recommends surgery. He makes a small incision in the nipple/areolar region to remove the tissue. He then does liposuction, if needed, for excess fat, and tightens any excess skin. 

Recovery from surgery takes about two to four weeks for full healing. Expect to head back to work within 10 days and to all normal activities, even weight-lifting at the gym, in about four weeks. This recovery time is worth it, though. Your more manly chest will make you feel confident going shirtless at the pool and in fitted clothes.

For more information about gynecomastia surgery or other plastic surgery procedures, call The Aesthetic Surgery Center on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York, New York. You may also request a consultation using the booking tool on this website.

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